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Product Description

  • Flash-frozen
  • High in HUFA 


Specific Pathogen Free cultured polycheates Nereis virens

Used in co-feeding with other natural ingredients and dry diets. SPF Polychaetes will significantly increase fecundity, hatching rates and larval survival in marine fish and invertebrates.

SFS Poly are an abundant source of high value nutrients like amino acids, trace elements and an excellent fatty acid profile (EPA, DHA, and ARA) to promote maturation in crustaceans.

  • A high DHA/EPA ratio
  • Biosecurity guaranteed


Ocean Aquaculture
Product Code

Customer Reviews

Ocean Aquaculture Polycheates - Specific Pathogen Free ADVANCE ORDER

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Product Code oapolysx20

Used in co-feeding with other natural ingredients and dry diets. SPF Polychaetes will significantly increase fecundity, hatching rates and larval survival in marine fish and invertebrates.